PPJ #6: Vincent
Vincent Arrouays, PPJ #6 (May 23, 2024)
Tasks Completed:
Final Basement level Art (2 hours)
All levels reworked and addition of a mansion level and bossfight level (3 hours)
Dialogue System (5 hours)
Fixed and reworked camera zoom change system (2 hours)
Update to guiding sprites (1 hour)
Map (20 minutes)
Total hours of work completed: 13 hours
Work Examples:
What went well: Got a decent amount done and we are at a good point for an alpha. Was pretty happy with the fact that I managed to get some coding in and that the basement art is all done, means I can focus on the rest of the level art.
What didn't go well: There was some confusion over what needed to go in the build for the alpha and the build was delayed due to some annoying bugs that needed to be fixed. Playtesting also was a bit of a mess personally as I did not get many responses for playtest as I wanted. Still got a few. Coding also took too much time for me, its nice that my code worked and pushed the project more towards completion but it came at the cost of reduced time for level art and late nights.
What's next: Pretty much only focus on the rest of the level art that needs to be done.