PPJ #9: Vincent

Vincent Arrouays, PPJ #9 (August 29, 2024)

3 things that went right:

  1. 3D Art storage and implantation workflow was nicely streamlined

  2. Overall successful art presentation.

  3. Good teamwork between artists and programmers.

3 things that went wrong:

  1. Some difficulties with getting builds done on time for class.

  2. A couple confusing mixups with how and when to merge into main (eventually got a system sorted for it)

  3. Trouble with burnout in the final couple of weeks.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Make sure to have good organization so that implementation of different team member's contributions goes smoothly

  2. In time and scope constraints be ok with letting perfection go. (especially when it comes to art)

  3. Work in branches and merge with Github desktop if you can't conflict resolve manually.


PPJ #9: Lisa