PPJ #9: Lisa

Lisa Leung, PPJ #09 (August 29, 2024)

3 things that went right

  1. I was able to get in models earlier this time for the team to put in and have time for feedback in case something was wrong with the model.

  2. When people needed help or feedback, there was usually someone on the team who got back to them and had frequent voice chats.

  3. The new level looks really good and past levels got updated with some more decor to make the house look fuller.

3 things that went wrong

  1. Team communication went down sometimes in terms of what was needed and what was going to be in the level since there was never a solid confirmation of what the gameplay was.

  2. There were influxes of how much work went into the game from one week to another, which stilted progress.

  3. Times where there were things that were wished to be put in, but time crunch didn't allow it.

3 lessons learned

  1. In person meetings are a lot easier to navigate and communicate ideas that would be made to be put in.

  2. Having a solid concept plan that is like a master outline that is updated with each meeting would have probably kept up motivation and team view. I think because of the extra outlines like an asset list to upkeep, a to-do list on a separate platform, and reading the GDD to know what was going on in addition to having the time to work on the assets or program was taxing.

  3. Taking care of one's health is important so you aren't stressed when you have to work.


PPJ #9: Vincent


PPJ #9: Tristan