PPJ #1: Lisa

Lisa Leung, PPJ #01 (July 4, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Team meetings (~2 hrs)

  • Checking out previous 3D models and testing in Maya (~1 hr)

Total of the number of hours of work completed this week: ~3 hrs

Work Example:

What went right for you and your team this week?

The two teams were integrated smoothly and communication was set up quickly. The break up of work seemed to work well with everyone's strengths or leaning toward what they want to do now that the group is larger.

What went wrong for you and your team this week?

Since it's the beginning, I can't think of much that went wrong. As an onboarding member, it was probably just trying to catch up on information and what was going on that made it overwhelming.

What are you working on next?

Meeting up again with the art team to see what models need to made next and how to streamline workflow when modeling and texturing.


PPJ #1: Jess


PPJ #1: Jeremiah