PPJ #9: Devin

Devin Lanni, PPJ #9 (August 29, 2024)

Went Right:

  1. With more people on the team, we were able to spread out more and get more stuff done at a time.

  2. Despite the hurdles, we were able to set up some efficient workflows for creating and implementing assets.

  3. The art direction for this game really showed itself this term, and the game looks really cool!

Went Wrong:

  1. Due to our size, organization and focus sometimes suffered because we had so many different gears moving.

  2. Our technical team had a hard time because of how few there were of them, even with a bigger team this time around.

  3. Team morale went down a lot due to occasional development issues and negative feedback, and became a vicious cycle.


  1. A bigger team doesn’t immediately mean more progress will be done.

  2. Organizing the team’s ideas and focuses is vital for a game’s development.

  3. Having a proper balance between the art and technical in a game’s development team is important to avoid underwhelming or overwhelming bias towards one aspect.


PPJ #9: Kerri


PPJ #9: Chris