PPJ #5: em
Em Covolesky, PPJ #5 (May 16, 2024)
Tasks Completed:
Met with team to discuss goals for alpha build (1 hour)
Met with artists to discuss pixel size configuration and dialogue (0.5 hours)
Updated tasks and priorities on the project manager (0.5 hours)
Added Sickle to Mace’s animations (6 hours)
Created and worked on SCRUM presentation (1 hour)
Update Blog section of website with weekly PPJs (1 hour)
Total number of hours of work completed: 10 hours
Work Examples:
Positive: What went right for your team this week?
We had a team meeting and an artist meeting that really solidified our vision for the alpha version and our art direction. I’m very impressed with our art team, as we made some amazing additions and revisions to sprites. Even though it was my first time making a dog in pixel art, I think I did a great job.
Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?
Nothing went wrong per se, but we are all feeling some exhaustion from our coursework for this and other classes. We still are struggling to get things done, as being down a member pushes back how much we can complete in a week. Personally, I’ve also been getting sick a lot, so not being able to physically see and talk with my team makes it difficult to collaborate effectively.
I originally wanted to do some website redesign and logo work this week, but due to the demand for the sprite artwork, I pushed it off. So next week, I definitely want to work on the marketing. I also want to create some UI assets for the game. I’m also going to prioritize my health so I can come to class next week; being sick sucks.