PPJ #4: Lisa

Lisa Leung, PPJ #04 (July 25, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Team meeting (40 min)

  • 3D modeling and UVing (~4 hr 52 min)

  • Texturing (1 hr 37 min)

Total of the number of hours of work completed this week: ~7 hrs 9 min

Work Examples:

What went right for you and your team this week?

I was able to model and get them to Vincent early and was able to get feedback on the length. Also, the 3D artists know what to work on next, mainly the Grandma level and then Arty's, and split it. Was also able to confirm what artillery Arty uses.

What went wrong for you and your team this week?

Not sure how testing was supposed to go for if it was for a new build or just do another one with same build from testing last week.

What are you working on next?

Some environmental parts of Grandma's level and possibly Arty's if a size of the room is made known.


PPJ #4: Jess


PPJ #4: Jeremiah