PPJ #9: Gregory

Gregory Back, PPJ #9 (August 29, 2024)

3 things that went right:

  1. Spriting for Arty was a good experience. I was able to just sit down and let my pen work.

  2. Formatting was very simple; sending a set of PNGs was very simple compared to exporting in a different format

  3. Communicating with other members of the team was simple and regular.

3 things that went wrong:

  1. Playtesting was rarely a good experience. I found myself having to defend design decisions very frequently, and not one of my playtesters walked away with a wholly positive experience. This is largely my own fault for taking these things personally, I'm not meant to host guests, I'm meant to gather data.

  2. While I am proud of my spriting, the creative direction in regards to Arty could have been a lot better. I feel that my work sticks out from the rest of the fight.

  3. I wanted to add another feature to Arty, an anti-materiel rifle, but it was never cleared. I could have probably drawn it anyway if it wasn't for other timing problems.

Lessons Learned: Your name being on a flawed project is not a death sentence, nor is it anything to lament. Part of game design is making mistakes. Sometimes, you should just keep your head down and work; when a team has ideas, guys, it's not a good idea to shove yourself into their work. While it's important to know when to distance yourself from a given part of a project, you can't let the project down in the process.


PPJ #9: em


PPJ #9: Jess