PPJ #4: Parker

Parker Stuart, PPJ #4 (July 25, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Team meeting (40 mins)

  • Tree Model (3 hr)

  • Texturing (1 hr)

  • Playtesting (30 mins)

Total hours: 5 hours 10 mins

Work Examples:

Positive: I learned a bit about using modifiers in Blender to great effect. I got some feedback from Vincent and was able to get the polycount of the trees and leaves down to a little under 5k polys. I was happy with the final result and the optimizing process.

Negative: I feel like it is a little hard for everyone to be on the same page when we are all working on different things, but we will discuss the direction more at the next team meeting.

Upcoming: More environmental assets for Grandma's Cove and Arty's level.


PPJ #4: Devin


PPJ #4: Jess