PPJ #9: Jeremiah

Jeremiah Sisco, PPJ #09 (August 29, 2024)

Things that Went Well:

  1. I feel that with a larger group, we were able to try and tackle things more effectively and work in smaller pods

  2. Spriting was good for me this term, and I felt that I had a good flow when it came to working on sprites for Mace

  3. There has been significant progress on what we had before to now, and I'm glad to see how far it's come

What Went Wrong:

  1. It was harder to get playtesters for this term on my end, so I wasn't able to get people for testing.

  2. While a larger group was nice and communication was better, sometimes having general meetings were hard to manage or schedule.

  3. I felt like I could have done more for the project yet I found myself losing steam during moments.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Schedules and Priorities are extremely important, and so is making sure to stick to them.

  2. Clarity is just as important as communication. When discussing things, it's important to make sure everyone understands what is happening and what is going on.

  3. Pacing yourself is important, and you aren't the only one working. Burning yourself out won't help anyone, including yourself.


PPJ #9: Tristan


PPJ #9: Kerri