PPJ #7: em
Em Covolesky, PPJ #7 (August 15, 2024)
Tasks Completed:
Organized deliverables for the week on Notion Task Tracker (0.5 hours)
Conducted playtesting (1 hour)
Revised and finished stuffing sprite for doll death particle VFX (0.5 hours)
Created trailer draft (4 hours)
Worked on Status Report slides (0.5 hours)
Uploaded team members’ PPJs to Blog (1 hour)
Total number of hours of work completed: 7.5 hours
Work Example:
Positive: What went right for your team this week?
The art team has been making great progress, and the programmers are doing their best to fix all the issues we are having.
Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?
It was extremely difficult to get playtesters, as many were unsatisfied with the gameplay. The build for this week had not been rebuilt yet, so the footage I had for the trailer was minimal, especially for Arty’s area. I also didn’t get to work on the art gallery as I hoped to because of playtesting and trailer issues.
I want to try having an in-person meeting/workshop so the team can get a good chunk of bugs and work done since that was effective last quarter. I also want to make the art gallery a priority.