PPJ #6: em
Em Covolesky, PPJ #6 (August 8, 2024)
Tasks Completed:
Organized deliverables for the week on Notion Task Tracker (0.5 hours)
Met with the art team (0.5 hours)
Organized files in personal drive for easier navigation (1 hour)
Revised bullet sprite and created animation (1 hour)
Attempted creating stuffing sprite for doll death animation particle VFX (1 hour)
Worked on Status Report slides (0.5 hours)
Uploaded team members’ PPJs to Blog (1 hour)
Total number of hours of work completed: 5.5 hours
Work Example:
Positive: What went right for your team this week?
My meeting with the art team went well and helped us decide what I could do to assist them. While I’m not 100% happy with my spritework this week, I am glad I was able to take some stress off the art team’s plate. I’m also proud of my file organization, as I can easily find and place files on my flash drive!
Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?
I am not happy with my spritework, as I feel it does not reflect my skill level and capabilities. I had so much trouble trying to figure out the sprite for a ball of stuffing, and I gave up after an hour of frustration. I definitely want to rework these sprites, as I know they can be better.
I plan to continue revising the art gallery page and assisting the art team with small spritework. I also want to try and create custom animations for the art gallery, but I need to get the base of the gallery done first.