PPJ #2: em

Em Covolesky, PPJ #2 (July 11, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Met with team to discuss deliverables for the week (1 hour)

  • Met with Marketing/Production to split up tasks and discuss website changes (0.5 hours)

  • Further adjusted the website’s color palette for visibility and color unity (0.5 hours)

  • Added new team members to the About Us page (0.5 hours)

  • Added all future deliverables to Notion Task Tracker (0.5 hours)

  • Organized Mockups Document (0.5 hours)

  • Organized Status Report slides (1 hour)

  • Uploaded team members’ PPJs to Blog (1 hour)

Total number of hours of work completed: 5.5 hours

Positive: What went right for your team this week?

The team got extremely organized and started whipping up assets and concepts. We are off to a strong start this quarter, so I am eager for our future progress!

Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?

Nothing went wrong, but not having class last week threw us off our routine. However, we met over Discord to account for this, which got the team back in the groove.


I plan to work more with Jason on the website organization and tweak the design layout. I also want to find a way to give all the members access to the Blog page, as Squarespace is stingy regarding how many people can contribute.


PPJ #2: Nelly


PPJ #2: Chris