PPJ #2: Tristan

Tristan West, PPJ #2 (July 11, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Wrestled with errors being caused by Git LFS (2 hours)

  • Continued trying to organize the project structure (1h)

  • Meetings (1h)

  • Bug fixes (1h)

Total Time Worked This Week: 5 hours


  • Setup issue tracking in Git, this should help a lot with divvying up tasks

  • Art team is cranking out some great stuff


  • I was roadblocked by errors nearly half the time I spent on the project this week. For the life of me couldn't figure out what was happening. Finally realized that all of the projects .meta files had previously been tracked under Git LFS. I did not know LFS required the end user to have the plugin installed and would not work out-of-the-box, but also did not throw me any errors whatsoever. So I was just pulling down references for every single .meta file, completely breaking the project.

  • Not quite certain the feature set we are targeting for our final build come week 11


  • Bug fixes and refactoring of existing code

  • Prototyping new game play mechanics


PPJ #3: Gregory


PPJ #2: Nelly