PPJ #8: em
Em Covolesky, PPJ #8 (June 6, 2024)
Tasks Completed:
Updated project manager tasks and priorities (1 hour)
Met with team to discuss progress updates for next build (1.5 hours)
Created poof cloud particle animation (2 hours)
Created Mace Metal Bat animation (2.5 hours)
Added Sickle to Mace Wooden Bat animation (1 hour)
Created Sickle Idle Sprite (0.5 hours)
Conducted playtesting for TEST 03 (0.5 hours)
Update Blog section of website with weekly PPJs (1 hour)
Total number of hours of work completed: 10 hours
Work Examples:
Positive: What went right for your team this week?
We set a strict deadline for our assets and build that we all followed, which really made everyone super happy! I’m proud of my spritework, and everyone else’s looks amazing!
Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?
Nothing went wrong per se, but just a lot of stress about the remaining time to make the game the best it could be. Plus, I didn’t get to work on UI assets or the website due to the higher demand for updated sprites.
It’s the final stretch! I plan on making some UI assets and assisting other artists with any work they might need. I’m also going to put a heavy focus on updating the website and reworking the trailer for next week. Still chugging coffee, but now blasting Work by ATEEZ for motivation!