PPJ #8: em

Em Covolesky, PPJ #8 (June 6, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Updated project manager tasks and priorities (1 hour)

  • Met with team to discuss progress updates for next build (1.5 hours)

  • Created poof cloud particle animation (2 hours)

  • Created Mace Metal Bat animation (2.5 hours)

  • Added Sickle to Mace Wooden Bat animation (1 hour)

  • Created Sickle Idle Sprite (0.5 hours)

  • Conducted playtesting for TEST 03 (0.5 hours)

  • Update Blog section of website with weekly PPJs (1 hour)

Total number of hours of work completed: 10 hours

Work Examples:

Positive: What went right for your team this week?

We set a strict deadline for our assets and build that we all followed, which really made everyone super happy! I’m proud of my spritework, and everyone else’s looks amazing!

Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?

Nothing went wrong per se, but just a lot of stress about the remaining time to make the game the best it could be. Plus, I didn’t get to work on UI assets or the website due to the higher demand for updated sprites.


It’s the final stretch! I plan on making some UI assets and assisting other artists with any work they might need. I’m also going to put a heavy focus on updating the website and reworking the trailer for next week. Still chugging coffee, but now blasting Work by ATEEZ for motivation!


PPJ #8: Devin


PPJ #8: Jeremiah