PPJ #7: em

Em Covolesky, PPJ #7 (May 30, 2024)

Tasks Completed:

  • Updated project manager tasks and priorities (1 hour)

  • Met with team to discuss updates for next build (1 hour)

  • Created trailer draft (5 hours)

  • Added Sickle to Updated Mace Sprites (2 hours)

  • Created and worked on SCRUM presentation (1 hour)

  • Update Blog section of website with weekly PPJs (1 hour)

Total number of hours of work completed: 11 hours

Work Examples:

Positive: What went right for your team this week?

The team had a clear idea of what we wanted to accomplish in the remaining two weeks of the term. At this point, we are just updating old sprites and debugging, so the team hasn’t been too stressed. We’re almost at the finish line!

Negative: What went wrong for you and your team this week?

Nothing went wrong per se, but we have all been stressed since finals are creeping up on us. Personally, I had a lot of sprite animation updating to do this week, alongside creating the draft for the trailer, which took a good chunk out of my sleep schedule. I also did not get to work on UI assets like I planned to last week, due to the high priority of our other art assets.


I plan to focus on creating the UI assets and assisting the other artists with anything they might need. I also want to focus on re-editing the trailer to make it awesome and branding the team website! It's time to chug coffee and blast Europop.


PPJ #7: Nelly


PPJ #7: Devin